Oracle 12c FULL Database Caching – part 1

With the introduction of Oracle 12c, a few new features are introduced. One of those features is FULL Database Caching. No additional licensing is required when using this feature This feature is available in two flavours. - Database Caching (when possible) - Database Caching with force option. In this blog we look at the

16 oktober 2015|12c, Multitenancy, rdbms|

Management of Pluggable databases using DBCA in silent mode

One of the great features it to make use of the command-line option available with the oracle tools, like runInstaller, asmca, netca, dbca etc., especially when no X environment is available. Below are several examples on how to manage pluggable database instances using the DBCA in silent mode for the Oracle RDBMS 12c. To list

19 maart 2014|12c, Multitenancy|